圣何塞(San Jose)华人教会汇总

001生活网 - 07-27

美国圣何塞(San Jose)地区的华人教会有哪些呢?请看cuclife为您汇总,并欢迎补充:

山河市華人宣道會 San Jose Christian Alliance Church

Jesus came to restore us to a life of wholeness and fruitfulness. We believe that this is the missio

类别:华人团体 -- 华人教会☆☆☆☆*

聖荷西基督徒會堂 Chinese Church in Christ - San Jose

We invite you to join our spiritual family at CCIC, where we seek to grow closer to God through Bibl

类别:华人团体 -- 华人教会☆☆☆☆*

聖荷西中華歸主教會 Chinese For Christ Church of San Jose

我們的教堂座落於加州灣區的聖荷西巿,位於Cupertino, Saratoga, Campbell, Santa Cla

类别:华人团体 -- 华人教会