

2017年9月7日到10月29日的夏洛特丹尼尔斯托植物园(Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden),

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夏洛特很有名的理发店 The Orange Olive Hair Gallery

The Orange Olive Hair Gallery is a salon committed to delivering service excellence in a charming at

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夏洛特理发 Aveda Institute Charlotte

Nestled in the Deep South, the AVEDA Institute Charlotte has become an oasis of culture for all futu

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卡罗莱纳州的文艺复兴节 Carolina Renaissance Festival

夏洛特地区每年都会举办卡罗莱纳州的文艺复兴节, 大家换上非常漂亮具有特点的服装,载歌载舞。Saturdays & Sunday

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